Arg, Arg, Arg…


So life up until 4 or so was pretty productive.

Founders day was nice, well, at least the bit that I went to. Had to leave early to go to…

…Alvin Ailey which was wonderful! The dancers were sensual and graceful, it’s amazing how talented our race is. Had me raising my fist in the air shouting, “BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL!” (Specially this one dude, I know most people think that male dancers are tambourine players, but WHEW good gracious! He MOVED ME!)

In other news…

Wasted a lot of time today trying to add a gallery to my chapter website. Turns out though that it’s pretty much impossible. Was a bit upset, but now I know for the future.

I also realized that I really dislike narrow minded people, or those that have a small scope of pleasure experiences. For the lack of not wanting to get up on my soapbox though, I won’t go there.

The golden rule of capturing KaNisa though?

Sorry for this half-a post. I think I might be getting blogged out…nothing really worth writing about really…

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