Another lost child


So I have this mentor/tutor job through a community service initiative at my school. I usually go twice a week, but my Wednesday girl never came so today I was supposed to get a new one…

I was kind of excited, another young mind to mold into something grand. After arriving at the school and signing in, my group went to the room where we usually meet our kids. As usual, they weren’t there yet so we had to hunt them down. I hadn’t met my kid before so I asked a group of kids if they knew her.

One dude said, “she ran away.”

Of course, I didn’t believe it. I’m thinking, oh he’s just trying to be cute or something… I asked him again.

“She ran away.”

“Did she really?”

“Yeah she did…”

I still didn’t believe it.

He looks me up and down, “you can tutor me though…”

A teacher came out of the classroom and I asked her.

“Did [so and so] really run away?”

“Yeah she did. She’s hasn’t returned to school this semester. We think she’s run away to Houston with her boyfriend.”

Her mother called the school yesterday and said that a team of social workers were looking for her, but hadn’t found her yet.

Tell me why this girl is only 14 years old and in the ninth grade.

I guess my time to help her has passed. Ya’ll pray for this poor child, there’s no telling where she might be…

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