Alas and boo.


Oh my goodness…

Today was the longest day….it amazes me that I’m even still coherent now…

It was a rough night of hot flashes due to cold natured roommates so I kept waking up every hour or so. I finally got in a solid two hours right before I had to get up at 8.

8 – 9:20 class preparation
9:20 – 9:40 According to the transportation site, a trolley wasn’t near to take me to class so I just drove.
9:22 Ride by nearby trolley (dang that an inaccurate GPS)
9:40 – 11 Class
11- 12 Ride through Mickey D’s for lunch
12 – 1:30 Class
1:30 – 3 Class
3 – 5 Errands for program
5-7 Get hair done
7 – 8 Prepare for program


8:20 Get appointed to pick up some buffalo wings.
8:23 Put key in ignition.
8:23:01 Turn key…
8:23:02 Car: “EEErhh, EEErhh, EEERNNh…”
8:23:05 Me: “Oh NOOOOOOOooooo!”
8:23:07 Turn key…
8:23:08 Car: “EEErhh, Eerh…”
8:23:09 Me: “Alas!”
8:23:10 Turn key…
8:23:11 Car: What?!

The po bug let me down. I thought it was a battery thing until the accelerator stayed down after I “attempted” to rev the engine. It was a shame. I had to wait about two hours in the rain for AAA to come get me, but I was more concerned about po Vicki (that’s the po bug’s name). She’s just so cute and helpless… that’s my baby man…MY BABY!

11:30 PM Return to apartment with towed po bug.
11:30 until – make frantic calls to family members with car know how.

I don’t know man. It’s 1:23 and I still have a lot to do. I would drop some of these commitments, but it’s only two organizations! AKA and NPHC! And NPHC isn’t even that extensive!!!! I swear…AKA is SO serious and time consuming! My life!

 For the days when I was lazy and uninvolved.

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