



So I was sitting down to study for a few tests I have coming up and realized that I needed to purchase a few books. I didn’t really feel like pretty-fying myself since I’d planned on washing my hair later so I just threw it in a ponytail and made my way out. (Despite nagging feelings that I should put on real clothes and arrange my hair an appealing way.)

I got to the book store…hurried to pick up the books, and was making my way to the register when I saw him.

I swear…

My future husband…

A VERY appealing looking male who VERY closely resembled husband #2 (Mr. John Legend)…

I don’t really think he looked at my face (he was reading my shirt that said “AKA Bond that’s strong enough for a man, but made for a woman), but I was mortified.


I was pissed off to the highest level of pissivity.

Now had I been presentable, things would have gone like this:

I got to the book store…hurried to pick up the books, and was making my way to the register when I saw him.

I swear…

My future husband…

He was heading toward me smiled a little.

I took this as a cue and made a move.

“Hey,” I said, “I’ve never seen you before. Do you go here?”

“Nah. I just get some books from here sometimes.”

“Oh okay. I didn’t think so.”

“I guess you go here then?”

“Yeah unfortunately.,” *laugh.

“Why do you say that?”

“Oh it’s nothing. It’s just kind of busy that’s all. Doesn’t really leave time for fun things .”

“Oh really? What do you like to do for fun?”

“I like to go to movies or museums…”

“Oh really? That’s interesting. Most people in college don’t like to do things like that.”

“Well I’m not most people…” *smile shyly.

“I see that.” *he eyes me, admiring my beauty, “Well hey. Let me get your number, maybe I can take you out sometime.” *He pulls out his phone and waits for me to recite my number

“I don’t even know your name, sir”

“Oh I apologize. It’s John.”

“Okay John. I’m KaNisa. Nice to meet you.”

I give him my number and we begin a beautiful relationship that leads to marriage and rampant “relations”.

MMMPH, Mmmph, mmph. We could have had something beautiful…

It’s interesting. I ALWAYS see cuties at the bookstore on Sundays. Perhaps I should go there more often…

Moral of the story: Always put your best foot foward. You never know who you might meet.

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