Adventuring in the Po Bug Part II


So it’s been an eventful Saturday. Slept for a while, didn’t quite make it to the football game (where is Samford anyway and why did we beat them so badly), worked on some layouts. I made dinner for a line sister as it was her birthday this week and afterward we went to our campus’ Alpha party.

I always wonder why the turnout is so low at those. I think there were maybe 100 people, but it was a game day and people always complain that there’s nothing to do…you’d think people would really be out, but that wasn’t the case. We strolled a few times and left ourselves as people were sick/had to get home for family reasons. Since everyone left, a line sister and I headed over to Emory for another Alpha party.

It was an adventure as I only vaguely remembered how to get there. Something about going down Ponce, turning on some street, a light…we sniffed it out though and were amazed at how many people were out. The house itself was pretty full, especially in their little “party room.” I know black people generate heat, but man, I couldn’t even walk in their “party room”… I swear it was like 105 degrees in there, (no exaggeration)…it was so dark too…I bet people were having “relations”…

I stood and watched my ls (the super pretty one) be accosted while I was conveniently overlooked, but I didn’t really care. That’s custom whenever she’s around. I’d be bothered by it more, but I don’t even try to compete when she’s around and she’s totally oblivious to people being so enamored by her so…

We stayed for a little while, long enough to talk to our Sorors as they are our sister chapter then left. The party was deep, but there was just too much going on, we didn’t really know anyone, and neither of us dance (unless there are large amounts of alcohol involved).

Finding our way back to campus was interesting as we couldn’t go back the way we came due to one way streets. We poked around for a while and finally decided to find a gas station only to find that we were a block from getting back to Ponce. Back in familiar territory, we headed to campus and witnessed a block of prostitutes. I personally have never seen any in person so it was an experience for me. I was looking hard at one in particular while he/she looked hard at me (probably because of my car…we’d been getting honks and yells of appreciation all night.) He/she was wearing these super short shorts with the booty out and had great legs. I wanted to say “you go girl” and toss her and sandwich or something.

Overall it was a pretty interesting night. I’m doing very well at keeping up my resolution of making the best of this last year.

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