Adventures in Job Hunting Part II

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Okay so where were we? Ah yes….

17:45 Approach second choice team
17:47 Be solicited by fellow person of color at a nearby table

This was a little bit strange. Dude was probably in his mid to upper 20’s…I could tell he was checking me out as I am a sight to behold, but he covered it by asking what I wanted to do.

I wasn’t sure what team he represented so I was a little reluctant to answer, but I did basically give my background of what my major was, my work experience, and that I was interested in Web Design/Development and/or Organizational Management.

He flipped to my resume in his binder and after glancing over it, he said, “Pan-hellenic Council? Which one?”

I stared at him for a second as I’ve never heard NPHC refereed to as simply “Pan-hellenic Council” but I said “AKA.”

He was like, “oh okay!”

I didn’t say anything for a second so after a while he volunteered that he was a Kappa, “I guess you couldn’t see my pin…”

I hadn’t. It was miniscule.

Sidebar: Alright I should probably explain myself a bit as it seems that I wasn’t too impressed that Dude was a Kappa. Two reasons, #1 I personally haven’t had a good relationship with most Kappas…the ex who shall not be mentioned was tight with them…and some of them were shall we say “dogging” him because I had not indulged in “carnal” activities…they took him out, introduced him to girls, etc…knowing full well we were officially dating.

I haven’t had a very high opinion of Kappas ever since.

(That’s a horrible generalization I know, but collectively that chapter earned a reputation for being obnoxious…)

#2 When someone is in residence of my heart (ie. GAM) I tend to disregard all males trying to holler…no matter what they look like, how much money they have…whatever….I have to remind myself that I’m not wearing a sign that says taken or else I automatically get offended when people try to holler

Anyway, dude and his partner talked about their team and I found that I had more to offer the non-Kappa associate (he did Web Development type work). I got the prospect’s card just in case the other team didn’t come through…and the Kappa gave me his as well…telling me to keep in touch and hit him up when something comes through.

Though I was thinking, “Mmph,” I couldn’t quite react how I usually would to such a situation. He would defintely be an ally as he was the only person who looked like me that I’d seen…and Kappa or not, Divine Niner’s do look after each other to some degree…

18:05 Be solicited by another team while waiting for my second choice to become available

So I’m standing there waiting for my second choice to be freed up and a man approaches me….

Dude: Hello KaNisa! I represent the Mo.del Sim.ulation,, and Ana.lysis I looked at your resume and was very impressed! Can I steal you away for a minute.
Me thinking: “WARG.AMING?! HAAAAIL NAH!”
Me: Sure!
Dude: (leads me to his table) Yeah I was looking at your resume and you seemed to be very involved, an over achiever even!
Me: Thank you, [insert charming laugh], I liked to stay busy.
Dude: Well let me tell you a little bit about my team…

His team was a contractor for FEMA, Homeland Security, and generally the Department of Defense. I basically learned that the government doesn’t actually do everything… companies like Bo.oz All.en are hired to handle disasters, war strategies, and the like. Dude even told me Bo.oz Al.len was one of the first companies called when Kat.rina hit.

Naturally, I wasn’t too keen on his team. Knowing my family, every time something happened people would be calling me up like, “KaNisa! Get your people!!!”

The guy talking to me was nice though…and he introduced me to a fellow Yellow Jacket that graduated about a decade ago. We chatted about what’s changed and how things used to be…since we were both alumni and all…

18:35 – 21:00 More solicitations and short interviews

I talked with about 6 different teams total. Everyone was very helpful, knowledgeable, and approachable, but my heart is stilled tied to that very first U.ser C.entric Team.

When the program was over, I turned in my top choices sheet and made my way back to the hotel.

21:20 EAT

I ordered up some room service. I had me a steak, potatoes, vegetables, mozzarella sticks, and a roll….isht was delicious…wan’t too expensive either…cost about 20 bucks extra charges not withstanding.

While I waited for it to be delivered, I made my debriefing calls to my parents and GAM, and settled in to watch some TV.

Curiously enough, though I don’t watch this station anyway, BET was not part of the TV lineup.

22:00 SLEEP

Shoot I was tired!

October 11, 2007 McLean Virginia

07:00 Wake Up
07:01 Reset Alarm and go back to sleep
08:00 Wake Up Again
08:10 Get out of bed
08:11 Do hygienic things
8:20 Call Cab for a pick up

My flight left at 11 and I was hoping to be heading for the airport by 9. Unfortunately, the cabbie said he couldn’t be there until 9:30. Though I thought that would be cutting it close, I said okay and prayed traffic wasn’t bad.

8:40 Pack up stuff and head to the business center to check email
9:00 Checkout and go outside to wait for cab

Now the day before it had been a toasty 90 degrees outside. However, that morning, the heat said f*ck it and it was crispy 40 something I’m sure. After sitting outside for two seconds, I went back in and made camp as far away from the door as possible.

9:20 Receive call from cabbie that he would be arriving shortly.
9:21 Move my stuff closer to the door, but only close enough to see outside.
9:28 Hop in the cab and engage in conversation with cabbie about the cost of living.
9:50 Have an almost tearful goodbye as my cabbie friend looked after me during my time in the DC area (he was the same guy to pick me up as well)
10:00 Check in and all that
11:00 Embark on the bumpy trip back to the ATL

Overall it was a fun trip. At first I was going just to go, but it turns out that I may actually be a good fit there. I am a little weary about living in the DC area just because I don’t really know of anyone there outside of the bloggers I’ve never met, and it takes me FOREVER to make friends…(it took about 4 years to get a solid college group together…and that only materialized in the last few months of college.)

BUT, plane tickets from ATL to DC aren’t too bad…GAM better be up here every once in a while…everyone else too. One of my very favorite dreams is to spend the holidays with close friends….

…in cold weather
…with colorful fall trees
…or perhaps snow
…and a fireplace

They can make it a road trip or something…

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Adventures in Job Hunting: Bo.oz All.en Hamil.ton
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