A little church up in here…


Sometimes when you get email forwards, you don’t really take the time to read them, especially if they’re long and it mentions something about “passing it along”…

But for once, I decided to read one and was actually enlightened. It’s a little redundant, but still has a good message:

We need to learn to praise the Lord as much for a closed door as we do an open door. The reason God closes doors is because He has not prepared anything over there for us. If He didn’t close the wrong door we would never find the right door.

God directs our path through the closing and opening of doors.One door closes, it forces you to change your course. Another door closes, it forces you to change your course again. Then finally, you find the open door and you walk right into your blessing.

Because He walks ahead of you, He can spot trouble down the road and set up a road block or detour accordingly. But through our lack of wisdom, we try to tear down the roadblocks or push aside the detour sign.Then the minute we get into trouble we start crying “Lord how could You have done this to me?”.

If you get terminated from your job – praise God for the new opportunities that will manifest themselves – it might be another job, it might be school.

If that man or woman won’t return your call – it might not be them, it might be the Lord setting up a roadblock (just let it go).

One time a person had a bank they had been in business with for many years to tell them “No” to a $10,000 loan. The Lord put in their spirit to call another bank. That bank gave them $40,000 at a lower interest rate than the first bank was offering.

The Lord won’t always say in spoken words: “Go to the left, now to the right”. Sometimes He will just close the wrong doors.

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