A Day in the Life


People always wonder what a day of a student leader such as myself is like. I would like to take the time to go through the last 24 hours or so to let you know why my life sucks and why social-ness is not a priority.

(I keed, I keed but dang some of these days are too much…)

1 AM Look at me and my bad self! 4 down and 2 to go! I can really pop out designs when I’m in the zone…

1:30 AM Oooh…a Roseanne marathon! I shall watch as I look over my notes for this quiz tomorrow.

2:30 AM Alright I got it…hmm…the Bride of Chucky…

2:32 Wow. This movie is really lame…

2:33 Yet I just can’t bring myself to change the channel

3:30 *Hangs head in shame for watching such foolishness…

3:31 Sets clock for 7AM to review for the quiz one last time

7 . . .F that.

8 Wake up and study

9:00 Okay…30 minutes till quiz time. Let me start getting ready for class.

9:05 Type out previous journal entry

9:07 Wait…today’s Wednesday isn’t it? SHOOT! CLASS STARTED AT NINE!

9:15 Throw clothes on (while watching Gunsmoke on TV Land)

9:20 Run out to the stinger stop

9:47 Arrive in class just in time for the quiz

9:48 Turn in quiz and get me some delicious famous Amos cookies from the Library

10:07 Uggghh…

Really Do you really have your hairy booty crack on display? You have a belt on dude. There is no excuse! Wait…is that…is that his ANUS?!?!

Oh HAIL nah! Why LAWD why?!

11 AM Class

12 Class visits to publicize European Study Abroad programs

1:45 Drive across town to hang out with my mentee

3:30 Meet up with assistant dean of students to talk about black people

5:30 Prepare for AKA chapter meeting (there’s a lot to do!)

7:15 Chapter

10:30 Go to mickey D’s for first and last meal of the day after Chapter

11:00 Research a program idea for an initial proposal

12:00 Free time (finally)

12:01 Sleep

See! I swear, every day is jam packed like this! Even the weekend! #3 has yet to have time for…oh I don’t know… A LIFE!

Perhaps I should schedule that into my daily agendas…


Respectfully yours,
A slave for AKA/NPHC

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