Leroy and nem


New word for the stereotype dictionary: Leroy*


Older Black male 43+ who thinks he’s younger than he is and asks out young females in random areas.

Example situation:

I was at Subway today getting me a sandwich.

I was remembering that my roommate had called the area “shady.” I never asked her to clarify though. I just assumed she classified it that way because there were a lot of black people around that area and her extent of interaction with black people was limited to maybe one, me.

Leroy was ahead of me in line. He’d said, “hey little mama.” (Which I promptly ignored as I don’t respond to such antics.)

After he got his lunch, he sat down at a table by the door and watched me order my sandwich, pay, and get my drink. (I was watching him out of the corner of my eye thinking, “da hail…”)

As I approached the door he was all, “you have a nice day lil mama.”

I thought it would be rude to at not acknowledge him since he was in my face so I was like, “okay you too bye!” before he could say anything else.

I went to my car, started the air conditioner (aka rolled down the window) and started to pull off, and much to my surprise, Leroy ran up. I started to reach for the door handle to pull an “open the door real quick and hit him with it,” but he just asked if he could buy me lunch.

I was like HAAAAAILLL nah….

And hit him with the door for good measure before careening out of the parking lot.

I swear! Every time I go to that Subway some Leroy or Ray Ray is trying to holler!

I know I’m breathtaking, but can I get a non Leroy or Ray Ray to do that please?

I mean, where they at?!

*no offense to any Leroy’s I may know

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