Tipsy Blog


I’m about halfway through a bottle of Cupcake Angle Food white wine.

Because I have never seen 100 pounds, it is effecting me.

Stream of consciousness then.

I’m watching this Quincy Jones documentary. I wish it was a bit more jewarjiwaorjioaej;r

(Sorry a young picture of Quincy showed up, I forgot myself.)

Quincy is Grandpa Bae. I tweeted earlier that Bean from Ender’s Shadow was fictional bae.

I think the word “bae” is actually very trendy and also dumb, but I’m using it anyway.

This documentary is cut very rapidly. I’ve read lots of books about Mr. Jones, but I’d still like to see a fluid story about his life. He’s amazing.

Good sperms in that one.

(Just sayin’)

*takes a sip

It’s funny, even in this post Depo world I live in that lets me actually be aware of my libido, INTELLIGENCE, and competence in the form of APPLIED INTELLIGENCE…

Still wins.

“These are my ovaries, please come inside’ – Coupling

(Sorry that was crass).

But yeah.

It’s amazing that supposedly “attractive” dudes get all the things.

To me, Intelligent and competent dudes get all the things.

Like generally attractive, bleh.

Intelligent…*I’m looking.

Intelligent and generally attractive….all the things.

And not intelligent like 2+2 = 4, but like GIFTED with GIFTS from GOD!

And disciplined enough to hone them and turn it into something bigger themselves.



(In theory because I’m very protective of my gonads…)

I’m 80% done with my KaNisa cave.

It’s really awesome in here…simple but relaxing and cool.

I’m going to come here after work everyday to unwind. WITH WINE

I really love it…and crazy that I haven’t set it up this way before since I had all the things for it except the futon.


Ain’t it cool?!

Just missing a TV and XBOX and Chromecast.

Need to buy an additional Chromecast and get a stand for the tv.

And I’m getting a Quincy mural/large poster for above the tv area.

I’m especially excited about the futon lounger thing.

Added a gel mattress cushion to it…it’s SUPER comfortable.

Probably won’t get the loft bed anymore.


I feel like this is long…

I wish I had a tempo-dude for cuffing season (September-February).

I invited my friend to my Cirque show…had about 300 bucks worth of tickets for two and she said “are you sure no dudes want to go? It seems like the perfect date!”

I agree, but I’m generally #foreveralone so…yeah.

Alright I think I’m worded out.


(This entry may or may not be deleted. Time will reveal).

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  • September 21, 2014 at 12:13 pm

    I expected more from a sub 100 pounder with nearly 50 ml of alcohol in her. Hardly a typo, let alone any ribald revelations! Next time, finish the whole bottle before you post . . .

    • September 21, 2014 at 11:54 pm


      I seriously struggled! Was seeing double and I was barely halfway through!

      I generally just talk a lot without a filter when under the influence…nothing really exciting.

      Makes me side eye people who say they go completely crazy when drunk. I still know myself and have the same limits in place behavior wise…


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