Monday! Monday!


When your very junior person comes in and blows away your most “senior person”.

When you have to figure out how to turn your “senior person” into a senior person.

When the industry you support is waffling trying to figure out something everyone else has been doing for at least 10 years because of their penchant for antiquated technology.

When you have to research attention deficient disorders to figure out how to properly relate to and motivate workers with the disability.

When you have to write an exit strategy for a young black female worker who otherwise has everything going for her because of her lack of performance.

When you realize 8 out of 10 Black co-workers were let go due to lack of performance.

When you wonder about affirmative action and if it really helps or hurts…or if it’s ever used properly.

When you need to staff up but are reluctant to without being sure there’s a place to put them.

When you’re waiting on word about a technology approach so you can staff it appropriately.

When you can’t ask the questions you REALLY want to ask during interviews because its illegal.

When you think hazing pledging new workers should be a thing before they can work for you as most can’t hang.

When you wonder if anybody is willing to work hard anymore instead of dipping out when they feel the least bit of pressure.

When you get a full night of sleep on a Sunday for the first time in MONTHS because you spent the day doing tiring physical work…and you found your eyemask.

When one day of no instagram/twitter actually made a HUGE difference in relieving stress you didn’t know you had.

When you peek at the horoscope and it says there will be a breakthrough in love/affection after having Saturn in the relationship zone for the past 3 years…but it’s more that you feel more capable of such things because you felt like you were pretty much asexual since 2011.

When you get the breakthrough and have no where to focus it so you seriously consider purchasing one of these babies :


When you’re looking forward to the weekend because you don’t have any plans.

When you have an extra ticket to a Janet Jackson concert on the 26th and still haven’t found anyone to bring with you.

When you considered posting to Facebook regarding but know that you can’t control who will respond…or if anyone will respond.

Happy Monday.

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