
What kind of life do I live that I don’t post here that much anymore when blogging has legit been my outlet for my thoughts for the last 15 years?

CRAZY right?

My thought outlets are still internet based for the most part, and embarrassingly with a purple tinge. Joined a new group on FB that supports this site. Many of the people there are followers of that blog or legit academic scholars who follow P and write papers for journals and things. The conversations are AMAZING in the group! No judgement and #Love4OneAnother. We all comfortably discussed the parallels between P and R. Ke.lly without any malice and a general admittance that we just let P do whatever he wants on the virtue of him being our mouthpiece/avatar for a lot of things, lol… (OH WELL). I also love that my level of writing rose with the water there as people there have phD’s or are legit professional writers. I can hold my own with them and enjoy the challenge of engaging with them!

It was fascinating that we were able to discuss how similar Robert and Princ.e were in depth while other fam groups totally shut down the parallels down as “trash”. Level of discourse matters. Level of objectivity matters. Level of ability to note that our heroes can be highly questionable, while still loving them as human beings, matters.

(Btw….P doesn’t  rival Robert really…it’s more that they both had control issues and an appetite for barely legal chicks when they were twice their age or more…and sometimes not legal…).


A lot of randomness lately.

Work still sucks…but managing much better. I got a mini me going who is AWESOME. Just gotta tweak him tone/panic mode wise and he’ll be perfect.  Also put out Position descriptions for 2 more people to help me spread my stuff so I can focus on strategic things.

Started going to a guy just to explore random topics…like energy healing…metaphysics…spiritual topics. I had a ton of dinero in my HSA that i never use and rolls over so thought “why not”. Getting coached in metaphysical topics. Charakras and and out of body experiences and all that. Kinda cool! Not sure I entirely buy into all that, but it is an interesting paradigm to compartmentalize and deal with ego issues, stress, and things of that sort.

Swirled up into a bunch of P projects though. Pretty much far gone in that. I don’t remember if I mentioned it, but I made this.

It does this :

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This is long…but #Growth
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The Truth


  • July 29, 2017 at 1:28 am

    And speaking of truths (I’m referring to your following post), the picture of you and the enlargement are mirror images. Which one is the truth?

    • July 29, 2017 at 1:43 am

      After further investigation, it’s the smaller one. If not, then you’re wearing the Prince symbol necklace the wrong way.

    • August 1, 2017 at 2:13 pm

      Haha yeah the one where the swirl on his symbol is to the left is the truth? My camera flips the image when taking pictures. The posters behind me are def on the left as you enter that room.


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