

Ohhhhhhh kay.

Where to even begin…

You should probably just dismiss anytime I say “okay I’m coming out of this” because I swear every time I say this another onion layer is revealed and I have to go investigate.

Purple friend encourages my habit…sending articles and things…and she invited me into some closed fan groups on Fa.cebook.

Virtual playground for sure. I appreciate that these are closed because if you post or comment on something, it doesn’t show up on friends’ feeds. Was reveling in those for a while. Cool communities with interesting information. People in Minneapolis would do live fb streams of stuff happening there or go to Paisley and post notes for people…fun perv threads for the ladies…so on and so forth.

Drama also sometimes…people being FAR too entitled…an ex wife is a member and one person went HAM trying to destroy her…like…you don’t know her life please stfu.

Picked up some cool merch like this Purple Snow boxset that talked about the musical environment of Minneapolis when boyfriend was getting his start.  Origin stories for T.erry Lewis and Jim.my Jam (Janet’s producers who were both in The Ti.me, boyfriend’s side project he wrote all the music for), Alexand.er O Neal (original lead vocal for the Ti.me), and others…the chick who sang “Won’t you take me to….funkyt.own” was also from their circle of friends.

All that said, and I realize I go HAM myself when trying to distract from regular life (work is really stressful right now #escapism), I’ve still mostly kept a sort of distant, but this dude was…”special”. Not an angel…not perfect at all…very human…a real and fallible human. A dark and fascinating human…which is sort of hot because of the darkness I admired him for sure, but not to the point of him being a perfect person. Just perfect for me for entertainment because he’s sort of nuts and not someone who would be good to be around long term because he’d mostly destroy you esteem wise in the incredibly strategic way he subversively caused you to depend on him.

I’ve read several books over this past few months, mostly about the music which ratcheted up the admiration. I have a special place in me for super talented and intelligent people.

There are other books though that are very expensive ($400+) mostly because they are out of print, but they’re also known to be the definitive canon of boyfriend related info. I toyed with the idea of buying some of them, but then was like…leeeeet me read them first to be sure I want these…

Checked the local library….score! They had at least one and I can inter library loan the others from nearby counties.

Picked one up yesterday and burned through it pretty quickly…I’m about 85% done with it…Possess.ed by Al.ex Hahn.

I’ve heard that reading this and D.ance Music S.ex Rom.ance by Per N.ilsen can turn you off of boyfriend due to the pictures they paint. The information from these books is sourced from interviews with people in his camp over the years. They are not glamourized portraits of this best self…and H.ahn’s book especially has a rather negative (or just starkly honest) lean with the full title Poss.essed : The Ri.se and Fall of Pri.nce (came out about a year before his resurgence in the early 2000’s).

For me, it did not turn me off because the information isn’t new, it’s just more detailed. Where previous books I read gave summaries of his darkness, these books go into specific incidents. I generally always figured he was very much a difficult person to get along with and again very dark…that was his appeal for me in fact, but I guess reading the more specific ways in which he was dark was very…

So you know that voice in your head that has the sort of morbid sense of humor/lens of viewing life? It’s the dark train of thought that might be an undercurrent of your more present thoughts. Maybe you discount it or push it to the side…trying to be more light and things….

Yeah he embraced that darkness even in his more positive times.

Like constantly.

Almost to the point where I’m curious if his extraordinary abilities were linked to more than ordinary mental evolutions (ie autism spectrum, personality disorders etc.)

None of this takes away from his genius or his status in my harem. It does add an interesting layer to his work though…and to his relationships with women…and religion…it’s…all very interesting in a way that taps into my INTJ-ness.

INTJ in love

He is the sum of everything that has happened to him from the rough upbringing to the massive success he achieved.

He’s a fascinating and amazing man.

Probably not the embodiment of the Pillars, but the shadow of the pillar archetype. He is the Dr. Jekyll to the Mr. Hyde…even in his later “angel” years because that undercurrent was certainly still present in a more than sinster way. Which is also still hot God help me.

It’s curious that the majority of the people in my harem have this dark undercurrent Marvin, Michael, Basiquat….all “beautiful disasters”…

I should drill into that someday…

Also if I see one more post about someone who claims to have cried every day since he passed, man…really?

And all these people who truly think he was this angelic perfectly altruistic being….

Especially if all they know is Pu.rple Rain….get outta here!

As far as I’m concerned, again, he left it all on the stage and truly explored every avenue in this experiment of life. There’s nothing to be sad about (though his life was sad but that was his load to carry). To his “fam”s (he hated the term fan), he gave us his life quite literally and there truly is a ton to discover even today.

He is just as present now as he ever was.

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  • June 24, 2016 at 11:42 pm

    Where did KaNisa go . . . ?

    • June 26, 2016 at 4:54 pm

      I’m still here somewhere. Just exploring!


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