What your name is?


I felt helpful today. Sold some of my favorite computer games to some people…(subtext: talked people into buying some games that I like). I feel that they will enjoy them.

A couple of interesting situations…

Situation One:

Me: Hello sir. May I help you find something?
Dude: No I found what I’m looking for (he eyes me)
Me: Can I help you find something in the store?
Dude: Nah you know…can I get your number….

It went downhill from there. 

Situation Two:

Older dude (say 40 or so) lingers in store for about 30 minutes.

Older Dude: Excuse me, not to seem rude, but this has been bugging me. How old are you?
Me: Twenty-one.
Older dude: Really? You look about 16 or 17!
Me: Ha ha…(subtext: and you look like you’re 50 you dirty old man. Go away.)

Situation Three:

I got cornered by a "rapper" while on break. He said he wanted to be like Mos Def or Common some day. When he asked for my number I was like,

"If we run into each other again, I’ll consider it."

I didn’t want to be like, "no Ray Ray" right off as he did seem halfway intelligent…

I guess I can be pretty mean but man athletic wear and overt "can I get your numbers" always annoy me. I mean, you don’t even know me. How do you know I’m not crazy? And why do you go around picking up females in malls? I don’t know…sounds pretty lame but that’s just me.

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