Decided to go to psychology today.

I think classes that don’t take attendance are wrong, especially if they’re before noon. I feel kind of bad because it’s not even like the class is boring, on the contrary, when I go, I am entertained and mentally stimulated. It’s just so early though! And my next class after that is three hours later…

(Okay so it’s actually not that early…it’s a ten o clock class. I realize most working people have to get up much earlier than that but I’m a lazy bum in the morning so…)

Now he’s talking about babies slapping each other…I mean…now I feel even worse. This professor is such a cool guy…

In other news…

I registered for fall classes yesterday. It actually happened unintentionally. While in the library checking my email during a break, I overheard a dude next to me talking about how a class he wanted was already full. Upon hearing this, I though to myself, “Self, when does registration open up for you?”

I decided to take a look.

Luckily not much time had passed since my slot opened. It’s kind of crazy. Before I would have my schedule set a few days before my time came. I would have all my class numbers entered so as soon as it was 11:00:00 I could slap that submit key and get the ones I wanted. This semester I was like, eh…I guess I’ll take this class…

I’m currently on track to graduate summer 07 at the latest. I suppose I could finish Spring 07 but I think 15 hours per semester is a good number to take instead of 18, albeit that’s do able with the classes I have left. I guess I’ll be one of the few that graduates from Ma’ Tech in about four years…

Don’t you hate it when people keep bothering you when you’re busy? I think I’m having a lover affair with my cell phone’s ignore button….

I’m extremely tired too…really need to get a handle on staying up late for reasons that are not good…

Random observations of the day…

A dude in front of me is rubbing a watch against his crotch. I’m going to turn my head so that isn’t in my field of vision.

Another dude in front of me has dirt all over his ankles. It looks quite nasty. I can’t him from smell here, but he is a good distance from me. He looks like he might be spicy. I’m turning again.

Walking to class today, I noticed that right around the :00 the bikers go into grand prix mode (and by bikers I mean those who ride bicycles). Two wooshed by me and went into a turn with their knee centimeters from the ground…

The new 10 dollar bill looks kind of neat. It has a red tint and random quotes from the preamble.

I still remember the preamble after having to memorize it about a decade ago.

I also remember most of the songs we had to sing in those elementary school musicals…

I pledge ALLEGENCE to the FLAG of the YOU-nited STATES of AmeRICa. (rest)


You’re a grand ole flag
You’re a high flying flag…

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