Being made…


The following is an account leading up to the Anniverseary of KaNisa’s birth

Birthday debrief…

-4:30 I check my bank account to see how much damage I can do on my birthday only to find that I have zero dollars.
-4:38 I check my online statement and see that the hotel mistakenly charged my credit card over 300 a day (for four days).
-3:00 I get pissed and call bank and chew out hotel person
-2:00 Hotel person calls back and says I’ll get my money back midnight after my birthday
-1:50 I go to sleep angry and thinking my birthday is starting off really badly
-1:38 6 girls jump on the bed I’m sleeping on and sing me happy birthday
-1:33 I’m given a six pack of Smernoff Ice, a cake, and an ultimatum that if I don’t get up and allow them to get me drunk then they will put on red shirts and beat me.
-1:00 DRINK #1 Smernoff Ice
-00:45 I come out of the shower and dress in birthday dress
-00:30 DRINK #2 Smernoff Ice
-00:15 leave for a club at an undisclosed location
00:00 After walking around for a bit, we meet up with Tech alum and friend and go to club Crush
00:03 DRINK #3 Shot of Patron
00:15 Awkward shy dancing on the dance floor (because the drink hasn’t kicked in yet)
00:45 DRINK #4 Sex on the Beach (after sorority sister noticed I didn’t have a hint of done-ness
01:20 Shy but no longer awkward feeling dancing on the dance floor
01:35 DRINK #5 Sour something or other…didn’t catch the name (after same sorority sister wasn’t satisfied with done-ness)
01:53 DRINK #6 Another sour something or other…(after another sorority sister convinced a dude to buy us a round)
02:10 Dancing that is no where close to shy or awkward on the dance floor with tech alum
02:23 Straight up floor scrubbing with stimulating results with tech alum friend and random dudes
02:45 Club closes with a really strange version of the Barney song
03:00 The onset of post club “I need (dot dot dot)”…
03:15 Stumbling to car with commentary about male private parts and lack of access
03:20 Trip to Waffle house
03:45 Seeing a long line, we follow tech alum and friend to another waffle house
04:00 Realizes he drove us around the block and back to the same waffle house even though he tried to say it was a different one
04:08 Random stroking of cylinder shaped objects
05:30 Hotel Sweet hotel.
07:30 Awake again for conference…

Strangely enough, it took a while before I actually felt off kilter. Then, off kilter wasn’t so off, I was just less inhibited with the dancing, commented about sexual practices that got responses such as, “you’re putting the dick on a pedestal,” and a STRONG desire to “get some” even though I haven’t technically had any.

I think that if I decide to do this in the future, I need to be surrounded by people that will look out for me…last night could have been bad…

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