Eyes on the prize


So seeing as how I’ll offifically be a college senior after Friday, I thought it might be time to figure out the graduate school situation. I was looking around at different websites to see what how I should plan out my last year and it seems that most of the better schools require at least two years of experience before entering school. I think that makes since, but it doesn’t do much for my plan to enter grad school immediately after undergrad. I think there are a good number of leadership training opportunties that companies offer like Johnson & Johnson’s Information Management Leadership Development Program so I think I’ll probably be okay, but still, that isn’t actually who I want to work for upon graduating, and I’d rather work for someone who will pay for my education…

Anyway, here are some schools I’m considering though:

Howard University School of Business

Barry University

Northwestern University


Loyola Marymount University

So I guess the plan is to keep the GPA above a 3.0 and start stocking up on GMAT workbooks…

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