Good LAWD!


So I switched to new "hormones" the other day.

I noticed that I’m already starting to have side effects. I’m a little more tired than usual and sore in places that I haven’t been sore in since puberty. Looking around the internet, I found that my particular brand is known for a couple of things, one being triggering outlandish breast growth, which explains the soreness. One woman said she went from a size B to a size DD without any growth anywhere else! Lots of women also say it pads the booty and legs a bit.

I know they say taking "hormones" usually makes women gain weight and grow in certain areas, but I’ve been a couple of different brands and have never experienced any of those side effects. I’m kind of scared about these pills though! I read somewhere that a transsexual used it to induce the growth of his breasts! He grew a whole size in a month!

Have mercy!


I can stand about ten pounds of padding in various places. I am about 20 points underweight…

*Knocks on wood

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