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I can already tell it’s going to be one of those days…

Not to sure why I didn’t want to get out of bed. I fell asleep a little around 11 after that Black White show, still wearing the clothes I wore for the day. I was halfway confused by that this morning, but yesterday was so crazy, I wasn’t all that surprised. I don’t think I even ate yesterday now that I think about it…there’s going to have too be some maintenance today so I can get my life right.

Inkling of a migraine and I forgot to grab my medicine. I even had an aura and a not so fresh feeling in my stomach with this one which is different. I felt special in a not really special sort of way.

Missed three stinger buses this morning but managed to walk down the street and catch the trolley. Since streets along the routes are under construction (as usual) the detour goes through campus. I kind of prefer this route since it’s more convenient to get to inner campus.

It’s student appreciation today. There’s a “festival” with free food and games on Skiles. Tonite there’s a concert featuring Big Boi and Cake. It’s also the night of the campus black people awards. Students get honored for having 3.0+ or graduating. As a student I would appreciate it if we didn’t have classes today so we could all could enjoy the festival together. I only have an hour to get my free cotton candy before going to my mandatory class…actually, I wouldn’t even go, but I have a group meeting after it.

Alright, enough pessimism for today. It’s only 10 AM after all…

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