Prayers for Jaden and Josh

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A few weeks ago, someone posted a picture encouraging the support of a young family with two little angels that arrived 20 weeks early.

Joined the group right away to follow their journey.

One of them, Jayden, is struggling right now, it’s so heartbreaking to see!

From Facebook :

Joshua is doing ok but Jayden is having a really tough time. Update from my dear friend Violeta says that Joshua is going into desats during kangaroo care but he is doing ok. Jayden is not doing so well. His head size was 23 centimeters and it grew to 25. The head ultrasound shows that he has large blood clots on the right side of his brain and had a new hemorrhage on the left side. Doctors said the outer part of his brain is damaged on both side.

He’s trying his hardest to push through though!

The Dad and Josh

So sad! They’re so little!! I hope they make it!

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