Obsessions of the moment


There are two things I can’t get enough of at the moment.

El.f on the She.lf


They’re so cute!

I got one for work funsies. His name is Gizmo. Here he is hanging out with a Santa outside someone’s office.

I spend inappropriate amounts of time trolling the internet for these little guys…

Can’t stand it! Too cute!

Vamp.ire Dairi.es

I remember when this was came out around Twili.ght’s popularity a few years ago. At the time I was young and foolish *cough* and so didn’t pay much attention to it as I thought they were trying to ride coattails.

I’m the one that missed out, this is INFINTELY BETTER than Twi.light!

I had a few false starts trying to watch the first episode, but decided to try again when I needed background noise while working on a proposal for work. The first season does start slow, but it picks up. I literally watched (or had it on for passive watching) the entire time I was awake Friday – 2 in the morning Monday.

Super addictive show! I like it a lot!

So yay! Fun things to look forward to and enjoy!

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