And in the darkness, bind them


Couple of things.

Firstly, I believe they’re going to carry me to jail for having pedophilistic thoughts about a 14 year old.

Okay to defend myself, it wasn’t even like that. I just saw the dude and made a mental note that he somewhat resembled Mr. Ealy. All he needed was the eyes.

And all he needs is a couple of years…say 9 or so.

I had to restrain myself from asking if he had an older brother.

Augh, I’m terrible.

In other news…

Watched the extended editions of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy this weekend. They reminded me why I was so obsessed about that move. Before it was just because of the gorgeous characters…

Aragorn, Son of Arathorn

Legolas Greenleaf


Gorgeous/manly characters they are. Mmph! Have mercy! Jesus wept!

Watching this time though, I was really impressed by just how true the movie was to the book. Although they did take a few liberties with the story, the scenes were as beautiful or action filled and just everything I imagined things to be in my mind when reading the books. The colors were so rich, especially in the Shire. The green was so vivid there…even the computer generated Rivendell…so real looking you could hardly tell it wasn’t. Every single frame of that movie would make a great picture.

Then the story is just so entertaining. I laughed, I cried, I wanted to take down an elephant and 10+ people in three minutes and 26 seconds. There is so much in that trilogy that is so wonderful. Even though people may think me a nerd for saying so, that is my favorite and one of the greatest movies of all time.

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