Native American Heritage Month


It’s Native American Heritage Month.

Curious as it’s the same month as Thanksgiving.

Lots of Black people claim they have indigenous blood in them, but it’s usually trace amounts. Same for me, my paternal great grandmother was a full blooded Chickasaw. Can’t really find much about her as they did the “give them an Anglican name” thing with her clan. I wonder if the nation has her documented somewhere…

I digress…

I wonder why people don’t recognize Natives as the true underrepresented minorities here. You always hear about Black or Latino support groups, but never Native support groups. I don’t think I even know any legit Natives….and that’s kind of weird when you think about it.

I’d really like to know more about that part of my culture, however small the blood connection is. I’m just not sure how to approach it. Not really wanting to just read on Wikipedia, I want to know from actual people how they’ve evolved…what parts of their culture they’ve held on to. Is it like Black people who also were forced discouraged from speaking their own languages and celebrating their own cultures? Are they also still recovering from hundreds of years of cultural rape…now manifested by identity/purpose issues…and “emasculated” men who overcompensate or take the lazy/apathetic route to life or independent women who overcompensate or look for acceptance using their cash and prizes?

According to a satire twitter account I found today, we seem to have a lot in common.

I don’t want to come across as presumptuous, I’d really just like to learn more, if only to understand.

The Native American forum at my client is having a talk this week as a part of heritage month. I think I might go.

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