Side eyeing Saturn…



Does not.


I know people usually side eye me when I start talking about astrology, but I really do find some truth in it.

Again, not the generic horoscopes you find in your local newspaper or magazine, but the real stuff that involves degrees and specific planets and birth times and things.

Stuff like rising signs dictating your personality….and how that’s why two people of the same sign can seem so different.

Stuff like where your Mercury is in your birth chart, that describes your communication style.

Stuff like where Saturn is at the time and how he is the planet of “when you’ve said you’ve cleaned your room and your mom comes in to check and looks in every drawer…and if clothes aren’t folded neatly, she pulls them all out and dumps them on the floor for you to clean up for real…”

. . .

Or maybe that was just my mom.

But it does leave a nice present on its way out if you made the most of the situation.

Saturn has left my sphere of work projects where it has been since 2009 and wrecked havoc on work life (time where I worked on my most frustrating projects at my job)…but left a present of a lead position (and maybe a promotion? Writing my assessment now…will find out for sure in December).

He’s now visiting my house of close relationships for the next three years. Already pulling clothes out of drawers…I swear seems like I can’t catch a break!

Still though, knowing how he handled my work life, and how much I’ve learned and changed and grown since three years ago, I’m going to let it roll and make the most of it. It’s super rough at the beginning, but it all works out for the better. People born in the early parts of your sign will be the first to feel the heat!

*puts on a firefighter suit

Check out your chart!

Check out what’s on tap for October

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  • October 11, 2012 at 10:17 am

    Surely, I am not one of the people you are referring to that would side eye you . . .

    My Astro Chart scored a few points but generally missed the mark.

    “You will notice at certain places in the reading that contradictory information seems to be given. This is to be expected, because the personality of most people is extremely complex.”

    And therein lies the soothsayer’s secret.

    Somebody should tell astrologers that Pluto is not a planet anymore.

    • October 11, 2012 at 10:56 am


      It works better if it’s an actual astrologer that can account for those inconsistencies and dig deeper about how a third or fourth element in the same area will impact the situation where 2 things are being compared.

      For example, the math in this is totally wrong, but Mercury could be in the fourth house where Taurus is also.

      Cancer trine Mercury could mean you’re not expressive, but Mercury in Taurus could also mean you are when read on the surface (or via a computer generated report)

      With Mercury and Taurus both in the FOURTH house house though, an Astrologer would say it’s not that you aren’t expressive, you’re just not expressive when it comes to whatever the fourth house is in charge of…home and family.

      See! It makes sense!

      • October 11, 2012 at 1:38 pm

        Aha, when you put it that way, it makes complete sense!

        I am waiting for a massive Pluto-less overhaul. It will split the followers like a divisive religion.

      • October 11, 2012 at 6:27 pm

        I don’t think it will really. They account for asteroids and dwarf planets too like Chiron, Ceres, Juno, Pallas, etc.

        And also astrology counts the sun and the moon as planets as well so it’s more “heavenly bodies” than anything else…

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