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Internet Explorer 9 Commercial (The Honest Version)


  • October 4, 2012 at 10:03 am

    What do you mean blooging for money? Are they soliciting alumni?

    I see two pictures with bunny ears. Seems a bit strange, or is the V sign behind a student’s head a school symbol?

    • October 4, 2012 at 1:15 pm

      Begging, yeah they ask for money a few times a year. Bunny ears aren’t a thing.

      I was mostly pointing out that the people of color were grouped in one picture together and were athletes. Unfortunately, the majority of the time the only Black students at the school are the ones they recruit for sports. When I was there, there were 6 in grades 9-12 and 4 played sports. I was mostly mistaken for the other girl with long hair that ran track…


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