Black People Need to do Better…

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I just posted this as a facebook note, but I thought the message was universal.


I wasn’t going to say anything about petty campus drama as I have graduated and have moved on with my life but this Sean Bell stuff just tipped me.

It is so sooo important for Black people to be unified and not start drama over nothing. I’m talking about petty Greek disputes, BSO drama, etc. we CANNOT afford to be holding grudges, trying to call people out, not liking someone for a stupid reasons etc.

The so called “conspiracy theory” of divide and conquer is so true…and is so evident on Tech’s campus. People who are there now know what I mean…even in the BSO orgs, people base their opinions on others due to stereotypes and other illegitimate reasons…and you KNOW we should be the last people to do stupid stuff like that.

Some people might have an ignorant opinion about someone from Africa just like someone from Africa might have some crazy idea of what a Black person in america is like.


Someone in a BGLO might have a beef over something that happened about a 100 years ago before they were even thought of which is not even relevant these days. We’re supposed to be mad that a group split and decided to focus on another aspect of the serving the community? Or we’re supposed to be upset at the people who didn’t want to change and focus on a different kind of service? Shouldn’t we be happy that Black collegiate service became so dynamic when the BGLO’s were formed instead?

Or is it no…I’m going to break your mirrors, make upside down pyramids, call you gay because you call yourself pretty, call you gay because you all are known to be academic minded, call you irrelevant because you were last, call you dumb because you bark, call you pushovers because you’re so nice.

That is so dumb and immature.


People might hate someone because they’re gay. Trust, they don’t want you! Be confident in your own sexuality and worry about yourself. Be and provide strong role models for your kids. Support and love them.


People don’t realize the magnitude of the Black family dying. Some even say it will be extinct in the coming years. Dudes are all about “being a player” having the most sexual prowess, messing around with multiple women (and men), being afraid of commitment, spreading AIDS, not being there for the kids they helped create…creating an unending cycle of kids who were abused, neglected, looking for ways to belong…getting involved in gangs…killing themselves.

And ladies you share blame too. Dudes will only do what you let them. Grow some testicular fortitude and stand for yourself. Black women have forgotten how much power they have…you better reclaim and own that power! If you need a lesson of how we handled or stuff back in the day research African royalty…(not just Egypt either). Those women had their isht together and did not tolerate beech-ash-ness.

And I hate to say it, but the lack of Black couples is ALARMING! I haven’t seen ONE up here and I’ve been here for six months. It’s ALWAYS Black male/white female.

This Sean Bell case is a reminder. It doesn’t matter if you’re from Nigeria, Jamaica, or Decatur, or if you have 3 Phd’s make a six figure salary, live in a big house, or if you’re a Kappa, Que, AKA, or Delta whatever…

If you look a certain way and people suspect that you might be up to no good, you too can be shot 51 times.

You might be like, “oh that’s a shame that happened” then not give it a second thought, but it doesn’t stop the fact that things like this happen every day. When everyone is like “gee…that’s a shame” and go on with their lives, isht doesn’t change and things like that will CONTINUE to happen…everyday.

Please get over the petty stuff and wake up to reality. We all came from the same place and have the same struggles. Don’t ignore your brothers and sisters standing next to you at the Stinger stop. That could easily be you. “Be your brother’s keeper” Our focus should be lifting each other up, not tearing each other down!

Also don’t give in to the norm, we are so much more than that. Our relationships are partnerships, the male does not take the lead. Black women are not objects to be lusted over, we are powerful, extraordinary women who have the power to rule nations and give life to our men and our children. Our men are not sperm donors, they are our protectors, the gate that protects our precious families, the defenders of our honor!

We don’t have time to be worrying who did or didn’t do whatever…we have hundreds if not thousands of years of racial genocide to worry about!

Yeah I said it! GENOCIDE!

Please people, WAKE UP!

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1 Comment

  • April 30, 2008 at 5:19 pm

    You need to do a tour of this speech and come to Knoxville first…


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