Ants have invaded my pantry.

I was minding my own business…going to get some plastic bags to put away food and I looked up and saw…

Literally a 2 inch wide highway of ants crawling along the wall on a mission to ruin my life.

I freaked out for at least 5 minutes after I quietly closed the door and vaulted to the other side of the room.

I literally cannot look in there now long enough to see what to do.

I Skyped Frog for him to look instead. He saw where they were going and suggested that I toss those things out so they no longer have a mission.

That’s a great idea, but that would require me to look in there for myself.

I’ve decided to play Walking Dead while I work up the nerve to take another peek.

I hear you have to make traumatizing decisions…maybe it’ll help desensitize me.

. . .

This would be a great time to have a man around.

It is absolutely true that women cannot do everything.

When roaches, ants, and mice are involved?

I cannot.

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