How do you like your koolaid?



Yeah plenty happening round these parts.

Mostly work stuff so nothing really to report here.

I hear that 20 somethings have lives…

And I have an unpopular opinion regarding that…

I recognized that I’m a little extra when it comes to work.

Since age 22, or even before then, I’ve been that annoying person who stays late, always does more than what’s required, responding to emails and doing work at 11 PM…

So it IS my fault for the situation I’m in (of being too tired to have a life.)

But I wonder how the 20 somethings that have lives work, if they work at all.

How do they afford these Vegas/Miami/Europe trips with entry level/twentysomething salaries?

How are they at all these happy hours and parties all weekend, then be productive during the week?

How do they go places after being at work all day?

How do they have so much leisure time and still earn a good salary?

I might be wrong, but I feel like money/responsibility isn’t really a priority…they don’t mind making less if they make enough for the lifestyle they live?

Maybe they have roommates to help with their living expenses?

Maybe their jobs don’t require much responsibility so they don’t have to be accountable for much?

Nothing wrong with that at all, there certainly is much more to life than work. The time to enjoy that is now and after you retire (lol).

I’m wondering though if someone can regularly work 10-12 hour days and then have the energy to do anything else.

This was my schedule yesterday :

9:00 – 10:00 Team Lead Meeting

This is a meeting where the team leads gets information from the Program Manager to disperse to our teams. This is also the forum to escalate issues to be addressed by upper management.

10:00 – 10:30 Stand Up Meeting

We’re doing Agile development…have these daily.

10:30 – 12:00 Application Walkthrough Meeting

Re-designing an application. Developer walks through and explains how it works…and we ask questions to make sure we understand so we can design contextual inquiry activities around it.

12:00 – 1:00 Brown Bag

One of my people was presenting their first brown bag. Had to support.

1:00 – 2:30 Application Governance Council/Customer Meeting

Had two meetings at the same time, sent one of my people to the council to attend the customer meeting. We ask our customers questions or do demos of prototypes/developed code.

3:30 – 4:30 Resource Allocation Meeting

Team Leads and Project Managers get together to talk about who’s working on what and who can be moved around.

5:00 – 8:00 Interview Night

Trying to find 2 new analysts to join my team. Six candidates. One was acceptable (!). Need the 2 people ASAP otherwise I will be responsible for 6 applications by myself as the rest of my team is maxed out. One’s married with kids and one’s married and pregnant. They are rightly particular about work/life balance. The other is a mini me that will probably burn herself out by age 25 if she doesn’t slow down. I try not to burden her with too much. She’s carrying a project by herself and is doing great, but works a lot. First new hire is going to support her. In the meantime I send people to help her in cycles.

This has mostly been my life since I’ve been working here (even in DC). Not everyone at the company is this way, but not everyone is recognized as much as I am (with awards and money and thangs). I make about 10k more than my actual salary because of those merit awards.

I guess it’s just a matter of priorities.

For me right now work comes first because I’m not married, have no kids, and am not social by choice. When Frog comes down and if we start getting more serious, I’m going to be looking for another job. I cannot work here with a husband and family or even just a husband. The women in my company who work like me and have families are so unhappy…stress sicknesses, neglected kids, guilt…can’t do it.

Not sure what I will do instead though…will cross that bridge when I come to it.

. . .

Sorry all that was rambling…

What was the original question?

Oh! How do twentysomethings have lives?



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  • August 1, 2012 at 4:26 pm

    Priorities, balancing acts and establishing boundaries! I have never consistently worked late because I have never set the expectation that I will. When people are consistently doing the ‘work late/turn their lives over to a job’ game, one of three things is happening: 1) they aren’t using their time efficiently, 2) they have too much work 3) they don’t know what they are doing. All three are bad for the company. I understand some special projects but don’t let people trick you into high blood pressure.

    The very people who are partying now, contrary to popular belief, will still get promotions and accolades. They are networking as well as partying. Please remember that if you were to have a heart attack today from work related stress, ‘Big Company’ would send flowers and HR would get to work replacing you. But your friends and family won’t.

    • August 1, 2012 at 7:47 pm

      I mean…I suppose.

      I think my problem now is that I’ve been this way for so long, I don’t even know how to not be this way. What does “fun” mean? How do people have seriously? I have NO idea. I don’t relax…even my leisure activities are time management games or ones that require a lot of thought, planning, etc.

      I don’t get how people go home at the end of the day and be checked out.

      I have no concept of that.

      • August 3, 2012 at 9:28 am

        Take like 30 minutes a day to have a space of time with NOTHING to do. Start of slow. Read a book that is mindless. Thumb through a magazine. And I can’t believe I’m even telling you this cus I’m usually telling younger folks to be more serious. LOL

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