Job Search Tips


Sifting through resumes…a little put off by what I’m finding.

The simplest faux pas….I know common sense isn’t common, but I never cease to be surprised.

Just putting some things out there :

Tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for

I get TONS of resumes that have everything a person’s ever done on it…most of which is not remotely related to the job they’re applying for. Actually tailoring it to relevant experience actually puts you leagues ahead of most. Having everything there suggests you just sent your resume to tons of companies hoping one will stick. Sure most people do that, but every company wants to think they’re special…

When applying for a design or requirements related job, include a portfolio

Again, how am I to have any idea of your skills if you don’t provide samples? This is especially important for design jobs (have a website!) If you don’t have a website (why?!) then at least bring print outs…or submit them with your resume. This is even important for Business Analyst or User Experience jobs. Bring or provide examples for recommendation reports, wireframes, something!

Put your best foot forward with your portfolio

If you are a web designer…make sure your website reflects your skills. When I was looking for a job, my portfolio website demonstrated the latest trends and bleeding edge visual designs. (Parallax scrolling for the win…in 2005!) It’s not just about displaying previous work, it’s about displaying current skills. This is especially helpful if you’re just starting out.

Format your resume!

There’s a meme I keep seeing… “dress for the job you want”. Same goes for resumes. Research the company, and format your resume according to their culture. For the position I’m trying to fill, resumes like these would be more impressive than one of these….though you should still include a Plain Jane one as a supplement. Also, make sure it’s in PDF when submitting. Word ones get a side eye.

Do these simple things…and you will be a better candidate than most!

I can’t believe most people don’t know this already…

OH! That’s another thing!

The interview is for you as much as it is for the company. Ask questions!

Lots of times, I have candidates who oversell themselves…saying how they’d be a perfect fit or spending the entire interview talking about how they meet every requirement. It’s a disservice to them. Ask questions! Research the company beforehand and come prepared to ask the kind of questions that answer whether or not you WANT to work there. Ask about their telecommuting policies, ask about benefits, ask about attire, working hours, employee support programs, assessment processes, advancement…if you seriously researched and didn’t come up with information. Even better if you found answers with your own initiative and asked deeper questions that let the interviewer know you’d done your research.

An interview may go great and you might get an offer, but you may find you don’t really want it.


Alright I’m done.

For now.

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