It’s about that time…

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For the!

Opening Ceremonies tomorrow and I will be front and center!

I tried to download the NB.C Oly.mpics app for my tablet, but it’s not compatible. Found a workaround, but unfortunately it doesn’t run well. (Doesn’t run well on devices it’s approved for either according to the reviews).

I hope they work it out! It would be really neat to watch any event live whenever I want from the comfort of my desk bed!

In other news…

Going to visit my sister in Charlotte this weekend. Haven’t decided when I’ll leave, tomorrow or Sat morning. It really depends on the meeting schedules for tomorrow. If I can get out of there by noon, I’ll head on up. Otherwise, it’ll be Sat, morn.

In still other news…

You can download and try Office 2013. It isn’t too different interface wise (thank goodness 2003 to 2007 was a doozy!) but it’s a little buggy. (Rightly so…it is a pre-release candidate after all). Interesting also that they’re trying a subscription model for enterprise users. Instead of paying one hefty price for the suite, you pay like 6-20 bucks per person/per month.

I don’t know about that…

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1 Comment

  • July 27, 2012 at 9:58 am

    Right, I will be tethered to my (13″ CRT) television starting at 4 pm EDT today. I think the marquee track events (which are among my favourites to watch) will be somewhat disappointing. With the no false start rule, runners will be very slow out of the blocks. I doubt we’ll see anything even approaching world record times in the sprints.

    I usually adapt to new software makeovers reasonably well, but I can’t get used to Microsoft Word 2007. It is about as unintuitive and cumbersome as a program can be. Microsoft seems to be moving towards the Adobe model. I signed up for Adobe Creative Cloud this year. It let’s me use all CS6 applications and more for $30 a month for the first year. Much more reasonable than purchasing CS6 Master Collection for $2,600.


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