Whatever…new template.


Whatever. I cheated. Didn’t make this, but I did add a bunch of gaudy color. I really just wanted that top slider…and knew I wouldn’t have time to deconstruct from the place I found it. There was a cool accordion thing with the posts too so I was like whatever I’ll just gank this template and call it a day. Will probably tweak some things as I have time to make things a bit more user friendly (like collapsing an entry when you click on the title) but yeah…some cool features for a blog!

Haven’t even begun to play with all the features of this template, and probably won’t, but it’s in my box for someone who needs a quick website turn around.

Apologies in advance…I didn’t even test this in other browsers or non huge resolutions. Will optimize this weekend.

The Original

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Marathon Mode of the Moment
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I didn’t say it….


  • July 18, 2012 at 9:21 am

    Not much to say, just want to test the comments section. I like the template, but I think I prefer the white background in the original, mainly because it doesn’t compete with the pictures in the slider. Is there a switch to hide the main menu or did you have to tweak the code to do that?

    For a moment, I thought it was you on the uneven bars. And for the caption to the picture of the frog, how about: “Frog, before I kissed him”, and then move the picture next to the picture of you kissing Frog, i.e. a before and after shot.

    • July 18, 2012 at 9:47 am

      Forget the last part, I see now that the pictures get resized and reordered when the page is refreshed.

    • July 18, 2012 at 1:42 pm

      There are tons and tons of module positions I’m not using…I was going to use the main menu area, but it was 2 am and I couldn’t find the right div to change the border colors. I might switch the positions when I get home today. Stuff gets lost up top.

      I WISH it was me on the uneven bars…


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