

Back at home now. Family business abounds.

There was an email about this year’s family reunion on my Daddy’s side. I’m excited because I’ll finally be of age and will be able to hang out with my cousins. It was kind of funny because in the meeting minutes about the reunion, for the first time, they referred to me by name, (albeit they spelled it wrong, but it’s the thought that counts). It made me think of all the names I’m known by family members and others. Starting from the beginning…

“Thangs” – I was probably less than a year old. My aunt was changing my diaper. I was “dropping some packages off” as she did so. Not expecting such an event, she cried, “THANGS!”

I’ve been known by that name by much of the family ever since.

The Knox – (pronounced knot) This name was passed from my father to me. He was called this when he was little, and he and some other members of the family still call me this to this day. Also, I guess I was the tomboy of the family…always getting into/in trouble/hurt for no reason…

Juke Baby – (pronounced juk baby) This name was acquired from my mothers side. I was known for shaking my little tail feather when music was played.

Nisi – started in elementary school. A girl in my girl scout troop started calling me this for no reason in particular.

Nisibee – Was trying to think of a new screen name in high school. A friend and I were brainstorming and she came up with this. No one really calls me that but one person now.

#3 – Sorors and I refer to myself as this…

Carpe Diem – I don’t know if anyone really refers to themselves as their line name…but yeah I suppose it fits in the category of nickname anyway

I think that’s all of the nicknames I know of…a brief little history of me.

About to watch an old school Warner Brothers movie called Splendor in the Grass now. Might write about it later, my mother says she cried when she first saw it and that I’ll find a lot of parallels in it. We’ll see…

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Splendor in the Grass


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