Family Reunion Debrief


And so ends another [insert last name here] family reunion.

Food, food and more food!

My family can cook extremely well! EVERYONE (well except my dad…)

I got the recipe for peach cobbler after a 6 AM pilgrimage to my aunt’s house. Everything homemade!

Recipes for mac and cheese (aunt), potato salad (uncle), and a vegetable medley (aunt) are in progress.

If their recipes are anything like the peach cobbler, cases of heart disease and obesity in the family completely make sense now.

That food is RICH with butter, sugar and other things they say not to eat these days…

[insert last name here] women are a different breed

I am genetically preconditioned to act a certain way. (Opinionated, judgmental, high-standards, type A, high expectations).

Except in the case of my family, it results in divorced women and/or older single women.

My aunts’ husbands have passed and they are all not trying to be married again ever. They say they don’t have the patience for raising full grown men.

Unmarried cousins  ages 34-45 say the same thing.

They call it the [insert last name here] curse…

Achievement Entrepreneurship and Respect

My dad’s brothers and the older cousins in the family are extremely hard workers…even my uncle who’s in his 70’s has a couple of jobs…that pay well!

(He drives a brand new Mercedes S550…stripped down version costs 94k).

Many of them have their own businesses (not just one, but multiple), or are real estate moguls that own several properties they rent out.

Their hustles are real.

It’s the [insert last name here] way.

I always feel like I’m not doing much compared to them…

My sister got honored multiple times for being a doctor…if you’re not highly degreed, and/or own several brick and mortar businesses,  you’re viewed as “normal/lazy”.

I’m a little [insert emotion here I can’t identify] that I am viewed as one of the lazy ones.

I thought I was doing pretty well in life until I saw everyone but me getting recognition for their accomplishments during the awards part.

Still don’t know how I feel about that.


My dad has 9 brothers and sisters. All of those brothers and sisters have great, great, grandchildren.

Except daddy.

Who doesn’t even have any grandchildren.

Granted he is the youngest (at 60) , but my sisters and I are no where near having children.

Or being married.

They did pictures of each sibling with their descendants. Everyone else had like 20+ people.

We had 4 in ours (middle sister didn’t come to the reunion).

Family Reunions are sobering. Good food, but also a way to tell how you’re doing in life based on the traditions of the family. I’m not even sure what to do next to get in line…or to be recognized as a hard worker instead of “one of the lazy ones…”


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  • July 10, 2012 at 1:48 pm

    I’m a little [insert emotion here I can’t identify] that I am viewed as one of the lazy ones.

    humbled? dispirited? uneasy? insecure? abashed?

    I think I know that unidentifiable feeling. Since I gave up my ‘respected’ career, accomplished people, including those in my family, look at me differently. It bothered me a bit at first, but I am long past that now.

    KaNisa, they have nothing on you, except maybe a few dollars. You are as competent, perhaps more so, at your vocation as they are at theirs. I think I once wrote here that if I was heading a startup, I would hire you (as CTO or some other C-something-something), no questions asked.

    • July 10, 2012 at 3:56 pm

      Thanks Patrice!

      I do wish that I was doing more somehow though…the family is full of hard workers…I mean they have jobs like mine, but also own their own businesses or investments that turn around serious money. I really feel like there’s no excuse to think I’m doing okay now…or at least I seriously need to get my house in order. They are about 10 years older…so I do have time.

      I’m making a first step toward the real estate stuff this year. Looking to buy a townhome I can live in for now and fix up to rent if/when I get married.

      Still dallying with what I want to do career wise. Advanced degrees in UX aren’t useful…would quickly educate myself out of a job if I got one…though KaNisa [Insert last name here], pHd would be cool.

      If I did get married and started a family, I wouldn’t want a job that took me away from that…so that’s limited…

      I just want to do some things that makes an impact on others…and pays well enough for my future family to live very comfortably. I realize that would require doing many things, but not sure what those things will be yet.

      • July 10, 2012 at 7:38 pm

        You will figure out what’s best for you and how to do it. Life is dynamic, and between now and ‘then’, lots will happen.

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