Life or something like it…


Do you ever just want to wipe your mind down? Like clear out the attic up there?

This weekend has been so full of drama, I just want to lock up all the memories and throw away the key.

Really need to leave all that college stuff behind me and keep on truckin’…too old for that foolishness!

In other news…

Today is my last day of being 22. I’m positive this birthday won’t compare to last year’s…yet another consequence of not finding people to hang out with.

Last year was an intimate surprise party with 2 of my best friends and GAM.

This year two of them are in grad school and the third is so busy they frequently forget to eat.

. . .

And it’s “Dead [but not really dead because a bunch of tests, projects, and papers are still due] Week” too?

I’m a little weary that people might forget, but I guess I’ll just suck it up, buy myself a cupcake, and put some candles in it.

April 22, 2008…a very important day for all KaNisa-kind

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