Splendor in the Grass


Chick was CRAZY!

I mean, it’s one thing to think about all that when you’re going through a break up, but it’s entirely different actually act it out. I mad my mother thought I could relate…lol..

No really though, I understand what she meant. The movie was about these two kids in high school that were in love. They had a lot of sexual tension between them and were both really conflicted, the guy because his boys were turning blue for lack of release, and the idea that he wasn’t supposed to deflower good girls, and the girl because she was told that it was sinful to even have sexual thoughts about a boy.

The boy decided it was best to break up with the girl and spend time with someone that was more loose so he wouldn’t do something he wouldn’t regret, and the chick went insane as a result. She was suicidal, delusional, and just plain crazy. She went to a mental hospital while he lived life for a few years and got married. When crazy chick left the hospital, she was still emotionally tied to dude and wanted to see him.

In the end, she found out dude was married and how he was living. The person eh married was the complacent type that type acquiesced to his requests and stayed pregnant. They lived in the country raising cattle and chickens. I guess they suggested that they weren’t doing too well as their young son was on the kitchen floor playing with a chicken. At the very end, the crazy chick’s friends asked if she still loved him. She didn’t answer, but the movie ended with her thinking about a line from Wordsworth’s poem that she read in high school, “though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, glory in the flower, we will grieve not; rather find strength in what remains behind.”

Real talk.

Ick…i used slang…

Funny how all these websites say this is such a tragic movie. I’m thinking really? I think it’s just real and somehow empowering especially since the dude’s life wasn’t so gratifying in the end. I mean, he was all like, “I’m going to decide what’s good for you by breaking up with you so you won’t have to compromise your values… and i like you a lot but i’m going to go over here for the poon tang for now. Even though this other relationship isn’t as passionate as ours was, it’s just more feasible” and then he had the nerve to complain he wasn’t happy. That was your decision dude…

I’m just saying…LOL…

*Turns off snap snap and head wiggle attitude

I really do identify though. I was pulling for them in the end.

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