That’ll learn ya…


Greetings from a government office in Crystal City!

I had a meeting here this morning so I left home an hour and a half early to be punctual. Glad I did, traffic was a mother fluffer.

I arrived at about 9:30 for a 10 AM meeting…only my co-worker who works out of the office was here from my company (there were supposed to be three others besides me).

She mentioned that I was early and I was thinking she meant that was a good thing.

We caught up and read through some contracts we were going to sign with the client and everything.

10:00 AM rolls around…

I’m thinking. Gosh, it isn’t good that people are late! That’s kind of unprofessional…


Some people walk by in uniform talking about something random…


I asked my co-worker what time the meeting started…she said 11.


That parking bill will be a mother fluffer…

Boo + Boo = Boo boo…

Apparently, my work email account has not caught up with daylight savings time so when people send meeting invites, it’s always an hour early.

LOL that explains everyone being extra late to meetings and conference calls…

F-ing sucks too…I was so excited about having a new line I couldn’t get to sleep until almost 5 plus I had had a Dr. P too late at night…and got sidetracked by an episode of Fame…

2 dang hours of sleep!

I could have slept like 2 extra hours, for real…

As soon as these meetings are over, I’m going straight home! I have an audience with Queen Mab…

(For the curious, I’ve been working lots of overtime so my 80 hours have been way surpassed for this pay period).

You live, your learn, you get luvs.

By the way, if you’re in the market for a new cell phone, DO NOT GET THE CHOCOLATE BY LG.

Mine likes to turn off randomly without me knowing it. I WILL be getting a different model shortly.

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