Hunga Games Review


WARNING : Here there be spoilers. If you’re reading this from a reader beware! I put stuff in spoiler brackets, but they probably won’t work outside of WordPress…

I’m not sure how I feel about this movie…and I’m not sure if it’s because of the movie itself or the venue I saw it in.

Went to Fork and Screen which is located in a part of town I haven’t been to in about 5 years.

I didn’t account for all the traffic and those situations where people block intersections and things so I got all confused and was 20 minutes late for the movie. Got into the theatre…couldn’t find anywhere to sit for a while, then squeezed in between two people. Ordered food…(I was famished) and was finally ready to pay attention.

I think all that may have removed me a great deal from being pulled in.

I did get emotional during some parts though :

Like when Katniss volunteered to be a tribute and her sister was screaming no…

Or when District 12 salutes her instead of applauds when she’s introduced as the tribute…

[spoiler] Or when Rue dies and Katniss salutes toward the camera and people in District 11 started to riot..[/spoiler]


Maybe it was the salute? Lol…

But there were other things I didn’t connect to at all to like I did in the book :

[spoiler] She didn’t seem as connected to Rue so when she died, it was a little weird how upset she was…[/spoiler]


[spoiler] There was some ambiguity about how Katniss felt about Peeta in the book. She did seem like she had SOME feelings for him, but in the movie, it was obvious that it was for show.[/spoiler]


[spoiler] The cuts to Gale whenever Katniss and Peeta kissed were a little o_O[/spoiler]


[spoiler] The gravity of Katniss unknowingly fueling a burgeoning revolution or her actions with the nightlock didn’t have time to sink in. Seneca got his own bowl of nightlock and then you were like “oh…that was a big deal?”[/spoiler]


Not sure…I feel like I should stop reading books before their associated movies or shows come out. There’s really no way to not be disappointed if you already know the story of what you’re seeing.

Plus, what movie could be better than one’s own imagination?

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  • March 26, 2012 at 10:15 am

    Not sure…I feel like I should stop reading books before their associated movies or shows come out. There’s really no way to not be disappointed if you already know the story of what you’re seeing.
    The book takes priority, in my opinion. If it came first, then it is the way the story was meant to be delivered. As you said, “what movie could be better than one’s own imagination?” Therein lies the beauty of books.

    I can only think of a few movies that I’ve seen that are as good as the books they are based on. 2001: A Space Odyssey (novel and screenplay were developed together, so perhaps not fair), Field of Dreams (adapted from Shoeless Joe) and Sophie’s Choice (one of my all-time favorites movies). I haven’t read A Clockwork Orange or Fight Club, but they are fantastic films.

    • March 26, 2012 at 9:13 pm

      The worst ones are the movies that had screenplays written by the authors of the book…and they have to take liberties with their own work. No way Hunger Games could keep it’s rating if it was truly faithful to the source. Not even sure how it’s a kids book…

  • March 27, 2012 at 3:32 pm
    Pretty Primadonna

    Soror, what do you think of the backlash from the not-so-bright regarding Rue and Cinna (and Thresh) being played by black people? I don’t exactly recall any identifying descriptions about Cinna from the book, plus I knew THE Lenny Kravitz was playing the role before I read it. However, as I read the descriptions of Rue and Thresh, I pictured them as black. Is it just me, can these complainers not read/comprehend, or did they not read the book at all?

    • March 28, 2012 at 1:15 pm

      I think it was a combination of people not reading closely and people imagining characters the way they want to. I don’t remember if she mentioned they were dark skinned more than once…so I guess people easily could have skimmed over it…

      Makes me weary of people’s ability to do things like vote though…


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