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It’s one of those weeks.

At work, people are extra laid back.

Old school rock is filtering down the hallway…

People are congregating in offices talking about plans for the weekend…

Everyone’s excited about some company outing at a basketball game…

Everyone else is at home chillin’ working.

(The end of the fiscal year was Monday so people are waiting to get new charge numbers to work on our contracts).

As for me and my house, it’s been a busy week. Monday I was at the office until 11:30 PM working on a last minute flash commercial someone plopped on my desk (which turned out quite well if I do say so myself). PowerPoint is old news people! Flash presentations are where it’s at!

Every day has been a 12+ hour workday…

I don’t mind though. I like being needed. The flash stuff beats tediously updating people’s websites…

In other news…

Life has been somewhat non-existent due to all the work.

I’ve been a bit moody as it is that time of the month. A little bit sad…a little bit lonely…that’s okay though . This too shall pass.

I’m going to a conference on Reafrikanization and nationbuilding this weekend.

I think I’m going to do the Family and Institutional Development Track:

Mate Selection and Pre-marital Relations
Balancing Priorities: Family, Finances, Community/Institutional Roles
Effective Child-rearing Practices and Models (Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence)
Eldership in Family and Community Development

I’m not trying to have kids any time soon, but I figure its good preparation for the future.

My second choice was the Reafrikanization Track:

An Afrikan Perspective on History & Identity:
The Historical Spirocycle – Design, Rationale and Applications
Onyame Nhye-hyeE Paradigm of ReAfrikanization,
Nationbuilding and Family Development
Phases and Challenges in ReAfrikanization

I’m sure logically, the latter should come before the former…you have to understand the context of something before you apply it, but some of those Family and institution development workshops are too good to pass up.

I’ll try to debrief what I learn if I can.

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1 Comment

  • April 4, 2008 at 7:09 am

    Sounds very interesting and I am sure you will give us the skinny when you return. Have a good weekend!


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