Oh okay…


Saw someone on twitter rewteet “Ladies on my glorious TL, when do you consider it ‘too late’ to have children?”

Some responses were okay…some said menopause, some said 40, or 40+…

But some responses person was getting were like 33 sometimes even younger.

Dude himself said being 50 with a teenage child wasn’t appealing to him. And that his mom had him at 33 “a terrible age”. o_O And even 30 was way too old.


I asked the person who retweeted how old this dude was.

She said 26.


My question is this : Are all you people who are saying ages between 30-35 are too old for you to be having kids, and you want kids, are you living your life accordingly?

Not to say you need to be married, but if you want to be married, are you on track to be able to be in a selfless and mature relationship within 4 years? (or really 3 assuming people are turning 27 this year)

Are you going to have your money and savings in order within 3 years?

Are you going to be able to AFFORD a child or shoot even a PREGNANCY within 3 years (Pregnancy isn’t free! Even with insurance!)?

Are you ready to be responsible for the LIVES of 2 people (assuming you’re going to be married first) within 3 years?

3 years goes by in a BREEZE! Especially when you’re in “I’ll do that later/when I grow up” mode.

Good luck with that ya’ll. Meanwhile back on earth…

As long as I can do so, and do so safely, there is no age that’s too old. Having kids is a lifetime job. You’ll be an old parent eventually no matter how long you wait.

My timeline is based on when I get married. Do want to spend some time just being Mrs. [insert last name here] and being able to jet off whenever or relate on the counter with my husband without fear of being caught. Ultimate goal for my life though IS to have kids with prime sperms and supporting male character infusions so mini-us can help influence some of their ratchet peers not to be ratchets.

Time for Mini–us comes 3-5 years after we legally become us , unless the powers that be have other plans…

I could easily make it to 35 before someone pops out…even later maybe depending how life goes.

Just saying, if we’re blessed to be able to do so, and we have the resources to support, we might have a small colony.

*marks this for when one is coming down the canal and I’m like “I’m never having sex again!”


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  • February 2, 2012 at 9:18 am

    The people giving those low ages haven’t thought about any of the things you listed. All they’re focused on is being able to toss around a ball with the kids. Never mind that they don’t have money to buy the ball! As for men, these are probably the same ones who wants 3+ kids and their wife to work full time six weeks after she pops each kid out. These men haven’t calculated the high cost of childcare–let alone ALL THE INCIDENTALS THAT COME ALONG WITH KIDS!

    • February 2, 2012 at 11:02 am

      That awareness…people around my age have it right? These people are mostly just talking smack in the e-streets right? This can’t be real life. This is all common sense to me…

  • February 2, 2012 at 9:57 am

    Need to balance that and this.

    From a recent Harper’s Bazaar article about Gwyneth Paltrow.

    “The daily school run she explains, is “such a f***ing drag. The other day, I was saying to Chris, ‘The window’s closing. Do we want to have another baby? I don’t think we do, but let’s just have the discussion,’ and he said, ‘We can have another baby, but you realize you’ll be doing the school run until you’re 58.’ I said, ‘Let’s just not! We’re good!'””

    • February 2, 2012 at 11:01 am

      You know, I’m trying to worry less about “should, coulda, woulda’s,” and just live my life. I totally get and see that fertility really is a big issue for many women, no matter what age, but I feel like whatever will be will be.

      What’s that saying? “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans?”

      It would be devastating if my plan for world domination via well raised kids doesn’t work out, but…I guess I’ll just have to find another way to help others.

      • February 2, 2012 at 12:20 pm

        I agree with your outlook. Just live your life and (I would add) the rest will take care of itself.

        I used that quote (by Woody Allen) in a comment on another blog fairly recently.

  • February 3, 2012 at 1:41 am

    I think I have a pretty balanced view of when want to/ am planning to have kids. My Mama had me when she was 30…. But I am the last of 3 natural-born children. She had my sisters when she was 22 and 23… And I can say that I would prefer to have a 20 year spread with my kids than a 30 year spread. However, as I embrace my 25th year, I’m not doom/gloom about my chances of having children. I don’t think its going to be too late for me, if all goes as planned. My man and I intend to have kids on the early side of 30… My “lifeplan” called for a few hears of enjoying being married before we decided to procreate, but this was back when I saw myself married in my early 20’s. more pragmatically, future hubby and I will forgo birth control post marriage and see how long it takes to create a “mini-us”. I don’t believe that “everything hAppens the way its supposed to”. I think the way things turn out in our lives is a healthy mix of planning, intuition, and serendipity. I would have to be the 35 year old woman who has “done everything right” career wise, got the house, got the man, car, salary etc; but then cant conceive once I decide the time is “right”. So for that reason, I plan t have 3 kids in the ears between marriage and 35. Wish me an engagement ring soon,good fertility, and nerves of steel. :) pardon the typos, I’m on my phone.


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