Afrikan Relationships Part I: Historical Context


As I promised here is the entry about the power of Black romance.

To put things in context, we have to talk about the history of the African Diaspora. So this will be part one. Really read this! I bet you will learn something new. Imagine if they taught stuff like THIS in those inner city schools….

As most people know, Africa is the origin of civilization. Remains of humans have been found dating back 2.5 to 5 million BC.

From 600,000 to 200,000 BC, people migrated out from Africa, traveling to what we know now as Europe and Asia. It was during this time that over generations, these people lost their melanin and developed paler skin.

It is widely believed that misogynistic ideas developed during this time. In harsher climates with colder temperatures and scarce food opportunities, women and children became more of a burden as men were responsible for providing food and shelter for their families as well as trying to survive in the harsh climates themselves. The focus was not so much on developing and thriving in the area as much as it was about surviving.

From 25,000 to 10,000 BC, rock paintings and art appeared in North Africa

6000-4000 BC The marked emergence of the River people (Niger, Nile, Congo, Zaire) During this time, what we know as the abacus was created. Stone temples were built, farming and domestication of animals provided substance.

4000 – 1000 BC The Golden years of Kemet (Ancient Egypt), Ehtopia, Nubia…the building of thousands of pyramids across north and east Africa, math, physics, astronomy, philosophy, basically every form of education was developed during this time in these civilizations.

1000-800 BC A great migration to Sub-Saharan Africa occurs…to present day Zimbabwae, Mozimbique, South Africa, Angola, Botswana, etc.

750-600 The Kush people rule Egypt

500 The Nok culture (the ancestors of the Yourba people…my peeps holla) thrives in what is now central Nigeria

Notice that so far, this is a very general outline of what was happening in Africa in the 600,000 YEARS after the migration to other continents.

1 – 300 AD The cultural rape of Africa begins. Rome captures North African areas taking their science, math, philosophy, physics, religion….basically everything we study and believe in now. Euclidean geometry like the Pythagorean theorem, finding the area of 3-D objects like PRYAMIDS, rectangular prisms….pretty much everything we learn in our educational systems… stole straight out of Africa and renamed. Those people that have theorems named after them all learned those same theorems from the “universities” in Africa…some were even part of the Egyptian mystery system, the predecessor of today’s Masons, BGLO’s, etc.

300-700 The rise of Christianity in Rome conquered areas.

610 Islam emerges. Egypt is captured by Islamic troops.

700-800 Islam sweeps Rome’s previously captured Christian areas

740 Islamic Africans invade Spain and rule until 1492 bringing agriculture, engineering, industry, manufacturing

800-1100 The rise of great Empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai…the gold trade is established

1324-1325 The historic pilgrimage of Mansa Musa

1441 The beginning of European Slave Trade


1832-1863 Emancipation of Slaves in West Indies and US

1871-1912 “Scramble for Africa” At the Berlin Conference, Europe and the United States establish the boundaries of the present day countries of Africa. Yes you read that right. No representatives from Africa were invited.

1914 Ethiopia and Liberia are the only African nations that are independent from European rule

1957 Ghana becomes the first independent black state in Africa.

Yes you read that right. 1957.

1954-1968 American Civil Rights Movement




2008 Barack Obama becomes the first American President of African decent

(I keed…)

But consider this time line. Here’s the history of the African Diaspora.


The X’s represent the time when people came in and “conquered” us. We were honestly and without a doubt running earth for at the very least 6000 years. People came from all over to see what the Africans were learning, exploit their land, steal away their beautiful, strong, hardworking people.

Keep this in mind…for Part II : The Secret of Successful African Centered Relationships coming soon!

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  • March 11, 2008 at 10:53 am
    Pretty Primadonna

    This is fascinating… do you have any suggestions on books to read about the subject?

  • March 11, 2008 at 11:20 am


    You know, the Alphas read books about this as part of their intake process…

    Recommended books though:

    Exploding The Myths, Vol. I: Nile valley Contributions to Civilization By Anthony Browder

    Careful with this one. There is a lot of information in this book about the origins of Christianity that might not sit well with you. I know it didn’t sit well with me…

    But good stuff though.

    The African Origin of Civilization By Cheikh Anta Diop

    Destruction of Black Civilization : Great Issues of a Race from 4500 B.C to 2000 A.D. by Chancellor Williams

  • […] way back when I was talking about true Afrikan centered relationships and how to make them successful? Well I […]


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