Boo+Boo= Boo Boo

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I’ve been poking around the innanet tonight to see what’s going on in the world…

In politics…

It’s taking 832 years to process the results from Texas’s caucus. So far, the Obama is winning 56% to Hil’s 44% How peculiar…since he lost the primary….

Something in the milk ain’t clean.

In entertainment…

Johnny from Dirty Dancing was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

For a minute I thought he’d passed on since people on the radio were like “have you heard about Patrick Swayze? Tragedy isn’t it?” But he’s still fighting the good fight.

Also in entertainment…

I got curious about the progress of Disney’s Frog Princess movie.

As of today, the princess’s name was changed from Maddy to Tiana and there is speculation that the prince will be of the Caucasian persuasion and have a Middle Eastern/italian accent.

I’ll let that marinate for a bit…


Okay first of all…how the hail is someone going to have a middle eastern/italian accent?

Second of all…why couldn’t our Black princess have a…oh I don’t know…BLACK prince? There is all kinds of wrong with this…

I admit it. I was the biggest Little Mermaid/Aladdin fan back in the day as I was the appropriate age to be obsessed with such things. I thought Prince Eric was the business…and Aladdin was fo-whine. Growing up in a predominately yt neighborhood, the only Black couple I knew of was my family. At school people dated interracially. Heck, there were only 2 Black boys in my class…(and I mean the whole grade, not my actual class) and I didn’t even get my first crush on a Black person until the 6th grade!

Whereas before I wouldn’t have a problem with this Princess dating outside her race, now I do, mostly because to be real, a lot of kids are really influenced by what they see in society. How many loving Black couples do they see these days? Back in the day we had the Cosby Show, a Different World, all these shows that showed Black people having healthy loving relationships. These days, we have what, House of Payne? And even that show comes on late at night and isn’t even that helpful.

The Black family is really struggling right now. A lot of our men are in jail. There is a lot of self hate where Black women and men are refusing to date other Black women and men because of ridiculous stereotypes. People really don’t realize…we are programmed to hate ourselves…to emasculate our men…to whore ourselves out…because heaven forbid we have relationships like we did back in the day before we were stripped of our culture. Then you’d have stuff like this happening:

And that would be terrible, right?

(I promise that entry is coming soon by the way. I want to back it up with cold hard facts so people will really understand…)

Now to point this out even more, we have our first Black Disney princess, who will wield all kinds of influence on a generation of young girls, falling in love with yt…

Slap in the mother fluffin’ face.

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1 Comment

  • March 7, 2008 at 2:38 pm

    all i got to say is “ain’t no black princes from africa” I could have sworn there was/is. *shaking head* And why she gotta be the Frog princess…maybe I need to do some more research but damn. lol


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