Using what you got…


…to get what you want.

Except I didn’t get anything really.

I decided to be a good student today. I awoke a few hours early, studied a book for a potential quiz, and became so interested, I even wrote down points I wanted to discuss in class. One of them involved Greek’s participation in creating status issues on campuses across the nation so I felt I had to represent and have an eloquent speech prepared. I also made sure i looked cute so I wouldn’t be broke looking while representing my chapter…

I employed the ponytail and was proud of my results…I even wore clothing this is a little more fitting than I usually wear. I mean, I looked so good, I had to document it! (LOL) . That will come later, on with my story.

So I moseyed on to the bus so I can stop by the student center to check my mail. I whooped my fist in the air with a “yeah” as I found a nice check waiting for me. It was quite nice.

Next I moseyed on to class whilst reading/pretending to read out latest campus newspaper. I wanted to check out people’s expressions as I passed them. I think even people of the caucasian persuasion were impressed.

I arrived at class ready to strut in with confidence, knowledge, and a don’t thing you can say anything about Greek life because I’m about to shoot you down with my witty, truthful comments. ..only to find that class was canceled.

“Boo,” I thought as I dejectedly walked away.

Although my two pages of notes were in vain, I decided I needed to parade around a little longer so people could see the beauty that was me.

Went to the Black people building…nobody was really there…

Wanted to go to the BSO office…construction in the student center prevented entry.

Boo! I thought. I did have an errand to run at the Bank of America building though, so headed that way by foot.

The people of Atlanta never disappoint when seeing a half decent female and they certainly didn’t today. A security guard even came from behind his desk to address me! He had said:

“Excuse me miss, but you are beautiful”

I smiled coyly and answered, “Thank you.”

“Are you a model?”

I laughed, “No I’m not.”

“How old are you?”

“Twenty one” (so I rounded up, so what? I will be 21 in 19 days…)

“Wow you’re gorgeous and official!”

I laughed nervously and started walking away.

To my back he said, “Praise god!”

My ego was sufficiently stroked.

On to the documentation…

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