Made up my mind


More on the election business.

You know, I beginning to think that it doesn’t matter what the issues are or what the candidates do or say, it all boils down to whether or not America is ready for a Black man or white female as president. I’m 98.99% sure that we’re going to have a democratic president, but I don’t think most people REALLY care about the issues they’re pulling. The game the candidates are playing is “how do I appeal to the most number of people” kind of like an advertising company would say “how do I sell this product to the most people?”

I mean really, how much power does a president actually have? Politically, the system of checks and balances makes sure they are not a dictator. Financially, it really is big business and “illuminati” type people that run Washington…and they’re really all about making sure their pockets are padded and insuring their children’s futures. Socially the President is the figurehead…kind of like the representative of America in other countries. They are the personalization of American people.

Based on these ideas…

I KaNisa [insert last name here] endorse….

Mr. Barak Obama.

I feel he is the best representation of the American people.

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