The N Word


I’m sure people heard of this, but in case you haven’t:

I saw this and thought it was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Not just because the teacher was so dumb “I put the h on it to emphasize kneee-gaahh”, but also because of the kid…

I mean, for real. If you sit in a high school, I can almost guarantee that you will hear the n word being thrown around like it’s nothing. I even sure that the kid has said it before to where the teacher heard him say it…maybe not that time, but some other time.

What really grinds my gears is that the entire news segment seemed SO satirical to me…like textbook milking a situation for publicity. Yes it’s never okay for the n-word to be used, but sometimes I think it only becomes an insult when you let it.

It really is just a word that’s gotten far too much attention. If people stopped using it, or making a big deal about how terrible it is, it wouldn’t be used half as much.

Situations like this are why I appreciate the Boondocks. That show/comic strip points out the things we do to ourselves in a way that makes you really think. They even made an episode about this exact situation. Check it out:

The Boondocks Season 2: Episode 11

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