Now that’s Love…Black Love


This one is addressed at my people of color today. Nothing against you Caucasian Persuasions, out there…

Do you ever just REALLY love the fact that you’re a person of color?

For me, I cannot imagine being anything but Black. I love my skin tone, the soulfulness of Black people, our rhythm, our spirit…we are just…THE BUSINESS! If I were anything else, I think I might have Black people envy.

We are so beautiful!

And we age so well! I’m 22, but I look like I’m 12. My mother is 53, but she always gets mistaken for a high school kid at the place she works. Even my Father looks young…the only hint of his age are the grey specks in his beard!

Try to guess the ages of these beautiful Black women:



Age 50

Age 72

Age 61

Age 53


I’m going to be like that last woman…she looks so distinguished and full of knowledge!

I really want to have an over 50 mentor. I would look to one of my grandmothers for that, but my last one died when I was 11. If anyone wants to put me in touch with a mentor, let me know!

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