
It’s been a long week. It’s still snowy outside so I guess my field trip to Howard will be postponed until I can drive with no fear of doing the electric slide on the highway.

I hear it’s going to snow again tomorrow night and the high temp on Sunday won’t even creep past a 25 measly degrees! I CAN’T WAIT! I ain’t going NO. WHERE!

In other news…

I’ve just realized I have to file taxes this year. It seems kind of intimidating…I always thought that you pay the government when filing taxes…like you fill out paperwork and send a check or something, but I hear it’s more like them paying you most of the time. I have a file cabinet full of receipts…I suppose I should organize them somehow…maybe I’ll do that this weekend.

Turbotax here I come!

. . .

Yeah…obviously don’t have much to say. I’ll be back later…

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Now that’s Love…Black Love


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