MMPH, Mmph, mmph


Oh noooo!

I’m sad! (My life!)

A giant in the Black blogging world has retired!

Mr. Brutha Code! Of Brutha has called it quits!

I’m kinda sad…I’ve been a lurker on his blog for years until one day he asked me to design for him. I was SO honored, lol…to to me he was a celebrity.

I ended up doing two layouts for him, the one that’s on his site now and the one previous. I’m sitting here thinking, it’s a new year, it’s time for a new BC design as I’m never happy with any design I make after a few weeks…or sometimes even an hour after I make it…I’m currently questioning this current one I just made this weekend.

My layout styles are light years different from what they used to be. I like to keep people current. I promise you, I’d planned on emailing him today, no lie. Especially since a while ago, I noticed that his entries and archives disappeared.

Thinking it was a minor flub as WordPress has the potential to do, I fully expected it to come around once he had time and assumed his email would be full of “what happened” type emails so I didn’t send him one yet myself.

This morning, I got up, checked my email, and saw that he’d posted a new entry. “Finally, an explanation!” I thought and moseyed on over to have a look see only to find that he’d had written a “farewell” entry and disabled his comments!

He gone ya’ll!

No more stories about eating nasty yet exotic Japanese delicacies!

No more stories about “Thick Dizzle” and his penchant for getting sued!

No more looks into the macho yet still quite sensitive psyche of Brutha Code!

He gone!

We could at least get a few archives or greatest hits going! Memories…for the good times gone by…but there’s nothing!

*Weeps uncontrollably…Skee roo…sniff sniff

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Life Checklist
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“White People Music”


  • January 7, 2008 at 8:40 pm

    Thanks for all the fly azz layouts K! I wanted to specifically thank you for keeping my site appealing. You gave the Brutha Code the “look.” Thanks again… you gots talent, girl!

    Happy New Year!

  • January 8, 2008 at 1:07 am



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