Fantasy vs Reality


So I’m sitting here.

I’ve just finished my broiled lambcops, broccoli and pasta vingerette salad, and Kaiser roll, and I’m sipping on my wine (so I can develop a taste for it mostly)…

And I’m watching How Stella Got her Groove Back for the first time…


I think I need to go to Jamaica like TOMORROW!

They got some nice ones down there I must say! I know this is just a movie, but DAY-YUM! I want me a “Winston Shakespeare” fo SHO! I’m down for vacation flings…sheeeit!

In other news…

This year is about living the dream.

When I was younger, here was my idea of adulthood:

23 is the ideal age. It’s not too seasoned, but it’s not exactly young either. After 23, I’m going to stay 23 for about 9 years until I’m 32…my next ideal age.

My apartment really is my dream place for my age. It’s the ultimate bachelorette pad KaNisa style…not too far from the city, and not too far from my nature (I can’t live without at least a small thicket nearby, lol). It’s big enough for entertaining and open with views of the Blue Ridge Mountains…and maybe 30 minutes from “the city”.

I’ve always wanted to live in a place with clear seasons and BOY do I ever these days…I have to scrape ice off my car! I was freezing this morning! But the leaves this fall were beautiful.

I really am free to travel whenever I want. I thought it would be great to make a train trip to New York or plan a trip to Miami or something…


I always wanted a job that would require some dressing up and “going to the office” of some sort in a high rise…

In reality,

23 happens in just a few short months. I can happily say that I am where I want to be at that age. I’m financially independent from parents, I’ve got my own place, and I’ve got a well paying job. What more could a girl ask for other than a future Mr. KaNisa [last name here]?

My apartment is great, but in reality it makes me question my desire for the big house in the cul-de-sac. My place is honestly bigger than I need. It’s a great room (a two story high room), a kitchen, a dining room, a den, a bed room, a bathroom, and a loft…it’s really one room too many…and WAY extra especially since I don’t know nobody up here to entertain. I think my next place will be more KaNisa sized (aka smaller). And as far as my future family’s house goes, we only need as much as we can personally live in. Anything more than that is just excess.

Seasons…seasons are romantic in theory. I was all about the fireplace, and watching it snow or smelling leaves burning, or going camping in autumn, with my boo etc. But really, it’s just cold…mostly for no reason. I can still do all those things as a single person, but sometimes it really makes me wistful…and clearly camping or hiking by oneself is dangerous these days…I bet springtime will be better, but for now…yeah it’s just cold.

Travel…not sure I want to go anywhere in America anymore it’s all kind of the same thing in different places. My eyes are set to distant lands like Egypt, Mauritus, or Zanzibar (or you know…Africa).

And finally corporate America, 93.8% of the people in my office are married with 2.5 children and a dog. They’re pretty regular people, but it’s so formulaic…it’s sometimes boring. My job specifically is okay, in fact I never thought I could be paid as much as I am for stuff I enjoy and used to do for free, but the culture is a bit tiresome. In the future, I’d like to do work for my community and for people who look like me rather than…you know…the departme.nt of defe.nse…

So yeah…fantasy vs. reality. My life goals are pretty much met at this time in all areas except the future husband category so I can’t and won’t complain too much.

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