Brand New Year


Hooray for 4 and a half day weekends!

Though it shall not happen again until Thanksgiving…

Happy 2008 everyone. This year has begun with a whole lotta randomness:

What did you do New Year’s Eve?

I spent most of the day sleeping, then awoke to clean my place for a bright and shiny New Year. I had my tunes going on the local hippity hoppity station (they were doing an all day mix) and they didn’t do too bad…they had some good jams mixed in there. Mr. Doggy Dog’s song is slowly growing on me… When the international AKA party walk song came on, I had to fall in line and party walk around my living room. I got a little carried away though…whilst swinging my hair, I swung a little TOO hard and threw my neck out….

Can’t do it like I used to….gettin’ old! LOL…

After I got the place looking pristine, I went out to the famous Wegman’s grocery store on a quest for ingredients for smoked mozzarella pasta.

Can I just say…that is a HUGE grocery store?! I mean, it was THIS BIG! I was so overwhelmed…the place was packed and I had no idea where anything was. I got discouraged in the ready made food section since I’d been there for over 30 minutes and still hadn’t made it to the actual grocery store, so I just grabbed a bottle of wine and some individual cheese cake slices and left. I’m going to try to go again when it isn’t so busy. It looked like they had some good stuff there and there are a couple of more wings I didn’t get to…

After leaving the circus of the grocery store, I went to exchange some Blockbuster movies for some new ones. I got Conversations With other Women, Constellation, and A Mighty Heart. (Those are listed in the order I like them best to least. I fell asleep during A Mighty Heart….)

Back at home, I felt a little sad as I saw people carrying libations and party food to their apartments, so I looked on the internet for things people staying at home could do on the festive night. I came across an article that talked about a chat program called Second Life…it said that there would be tons of New Year’s Parties…

For the uninformed, Second Life is a kind of “virtual sim chat room.” You adopt an online personalization and wander around the world meeting people. Second Life is used for all sorts of things from corporate meetings, career fairs, and job interviews to an all out replacement of everyday life (for the unfortunates). My company used it for something or other so I thought I would check it out and have a look see for myself…

I must say, I was impressed! I “attended” a few “New Year’s Eve Parties” that had live DJ’s playing real music…actually it was kind of creepy. Like one DJ in particular was just like one would be in real life…he would say “we’re going to have live entertainment at 10 then ring in the new year with so and so”…he’d even take requests for songs!

After hopping around to some parties for about two hours, I realized how sad I was and called it a night. I retired to bed with some Rose Wine, cheesecake, and Blockbuster movies and fell asleep at about 11:30. I guess it was good I didn’t go out…I’d even slept most of the day so I would have been tired regardless!

January 2, has been interesting and random so far. There was snow on my car this morning…not a lot, but enough for it to say “hey I was here.”

Curiously, my turning signals were acting funny…it was like someone had reversed the lights. Por ejemplo, I would turn on the left blinker, but the dash would say the right blinker was blinking. I finally figured it out when I was halfway to work…I pulled up behind a black car and looked at my lights’ reflection to see what was up. Turns out, just the signal indicator on the dash is reversed.

Is that a normal problem though?! I promise my car is something else…the gas also says it’s on empty even though I filled up yesterday…




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