TV Throwbacks


Since it’s the breath before the storm (aka that period of unbusy between last minute tests and finals season) I don’t really have anything to do. My 9:30 class was canceled for the week (*does the running man) so I have no reason to be awake until 11 or so for a while.

I decided to take some time today to continue my trip down memory lane. Last night, I watched the “What’s Happenin’” marathon on TV Land until about three in the morning. I wasn’t really paying that much attention though as I was working on the Lyric section, but each episode came on twice in a 8 hour period so I caught each episode at least once.

For tonight, I was entertained for a while by vintage Sailor Moon. I never got around to watching the last season they as it was never translated into English, so I thought I would watch a few fan-subtitled episodes via limewire. I could see why they were slow to translate those…lots more cursing, focuses on sexuality, and innuendo in those episodes…there was cross dressing, homosexuality, abusive relationships, people trying to get others to undress others in dressing rooms…

I was like…whoa…

In other news…

Apparently Adult Swim will be showing episodes of Saved by the Bell as part of their weekly line-up. At first I thought the commercial was a joke, but here I sit at 12:01 AM watching the cartoon network and the opening credits for the show.

I’m so confused…what’s this all about anyway?

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